Monday, June 15, 2009

mimoo HQ is going green

Yes that is right, we here at mimoo HQ are trying to do our bit for the environment and $$$, so I will keep you posted in the coming weeks on our progress. First up is nappy bags. I actually have been doing this for quite some time but I re-use our plastic bags that hold all our fruit and veg from the supermarket and also the torn hole-y shopping bag ones that I cannot use for garbage get a run too. (I always forget my green bags)

When we first moved home with little mimoo from London my sister in law kindly handed over a shopping bag stuffed full of nappy sacks leftover from her baby days,which took us, I am not kidding, almost 18 months to use them all,so when I went to buy some new ones I just thought to myself how extra bad on the environment these were and to also spend money on plastic scented bags to put in another bag to take home to place (excuse the french) shit in. so ever since I have been using the below. 

The 2nd part in getting the following book out of the library.(I am a library addict)


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